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Computing nite

On 11th of August, Ridge View Residential College students from the School of Computing gathered for a fun night of games and bonding. Computing Night was a success engaging nearly 60 participants from various majors in the computing faculty inclusive of computer science, computer engineering, business analytics, information system, and information security. Getting to know people with shared experiences within RVRC helps to build a strong supportive network. The event presented an opportunity for residents to get acquainted with fellow computing freshmen across RVRC and connect with seniors for advice and support.

The event started with some icebreaker games and self-introductions. The students participated enthusiastically in station games and enjoyed donuts arranged by the organizers. The games were designed to foster interactions within the different groups and it was heart-warming to see students becoming closer at the end of the night.

Computing Night marks the start of what RVRC has prepared to support computing students through their academic journey. We thank the seniors for stepping up to provide useful tips and guidance for our computing freshmen. The event was organised by the computing seniors of the RVRC Peer Mentor Programme that helps to connect juniors and seniors at various stages of their academic pathways.