This year, RVRC decided to celebrate Hari Raya a little differently. Raya with Ridge was a student-led initiative, offering residents and our NUS friends from all diversity a glimpse into the popular and big Hari Raya festival! On April 4th, Ridge View Residential College held their first every Ramadan/Hari Raya event - Raya with Ridge! Co-led by Year 3 seniors - Aisha binte Shamsudin (CNM) and Farah binte Abdul Rahim (Nursing), their connections beyond RVRC allowed the collaboration with Mirza (NUS Silat) and Nadiah Umairah (NUS Dikir).
Raya with Ridge was organised in the RVRC dining hall and brought 57 amazing performers from NUS Silat, NUS Dikir and RVRC’s self-initiated group of Malay Dancers to the stage. Raya with Ridge started with a fashion show, whereby our residents and friends strutted on stage and showed us the wide variety of ethnic clothing. This was followed by an informal sharing of the influence of Malay culture when celebrating Eid. The audience was then amazed by the strong martial arts moves of NUS Silat, and engrossed in the collective beautiful voices of NUS Dikir. Raya with Ridge was also joined by Khairiah and Maisarah, who sang beautifully and enchanted the audience with their voices. For the purpose of Raya with Ridge, a new group called RVTarian was also established. RVTarian showcased traditional Malay dance that was eloquent to behold. The night ended with all performers and the audience standing up and cheering collectively. All performers did a wonderful job and truly offered precious insights into the colourful and exciting Hari Raya celebrations.
Preceding the event, they posted a content series on Instagram (@rayawithridge), through interviews with fellow RVRC residents sharing their knowledge and thoughts about Ramadan such as its significance and their favourite aspects of it. Raya with Ridge organisers and performers successfully achieved their aim to informally raise awareness regarding the intersection between the Malay culture and the Islamic religion. The event garnered the overwhelming support of 200 attendees, and a feature on local news publisher Berita Harian’s Instagram and TikTok platforms! The committee expresses their utmost thanks to all that were part of Raya with Ridge and hopes to continue collaborating with NUS Malay-performing arts CCAs to continue this event during Hari Raya next year. Wishing everyone a Happy Eid!