Walk for Rice 2024
RVRC has been organising an annual college walk across the Southern Ridges since 2016. Spanning over eight kilometres, the walk typically begins at the RVRC Lawn, through Kent Ridge Park, Telok Blangah Hill, Henderson Waves and ends at Mount Faber. These walks are part of the college's commitment to outdoor education and community service. The annual RVRC Walk for Rice has been supported by college students, staff, and their families over the years - for every 300m walked by a participant, NTUC donates one bowl of white rice, one bowl of brown rice and one bowl of oatmeal to underprivileged families in the South-West CDCD.
The RVRC community walked with renewed energy as part of the RV10 celebrations and clocked a high total of 26331km. This year, the results for distance walked by residents were also compiled by individual houses. Congratulations to Panthera for submitting the most distance walked by the house and to Rusa for surpassing the 1200km house goal within the last week of the activity.
For the overall house ranking, the organising team used the average distance per pax instead of total distance submitted as a house, and released the final rankings as follows:
1st - Orcaella 🥇
2nd - Manis 🥈
3rd - Panthera 🥉
4th - Rusa
5th - Aonyx
6th - Chelonia
7th - Strix
The Walk for Rice '24 Committee thanks everyone for their contributions and enthusiasm towards this year’s event.