Welcome to the RVRC community and kampung spirit
Residential life at RVRC is defined by our collective kampung spirit; warm and welcoming to all residents (human and wildlife alike!). The college's 650 residents are organised into seven smaller communities called houses. Each of the smaller classic blocks (Blocks A - E) is its own house while the Tower Block (Block F) is divided into two houses. In keeping with the college mission to foster environmental stewardship, each house is named after a rare or threatened animal indigenous to Singapore, to remind us of our individual and collective responsibilities.
All houses have an NUS faculty member appointed as a Resident Fellow (RF), who provides pastoral care and mentorship for the students. Each RF is supported by a team of RVRC students appointed as Resident Assistants (RA), to provide supplementary pastoral care. The RF and RAs in each house work closely with elected House Heads (voted in by the residents of each house), who lead the House Committee (a group of six to ten residents). Together, they organise activities to help students develop better work-leisure balance and beneficial mental health, lifelong habits, and foster a sense of belonging to the House, RVRC, and NUS.
As a living-learning community, the college particularly values the RAs, House Heads and House Committees for their invaluable contribution to create a welcoming and united RVRC community. In keeping with its mission to foster workplace readiness, the college has also strategically positioned these roles as meaningful opportunities for students to develop leadership attributes and practice soft skills for their personal growth.