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Gene - Profile Picture

Yap Koo Gene

Faculty of Science



As a Year One international student at RVRC, it holds a special place in my heart; offering a sense of home in this foreign land. In less than a year, I've forged deep connections, especially with my friend Li Xin and our lively group, affectionately known as "the monkeys". Their presence has transformed RVRC into a loving and supportive community for me, where I truly belong. Engaging in various college activities, such as being the Head of RV Café, being on the RVRC Social Media Team, and serving as a Sub-committee member in Rusa House, has not only enriched my personal growth but also given me a sense of purpose within the college. The opportunities to grow in RVRC are abundant for those willing to seize them. I look forward to navigating my university life at NUS alongside my RVRC friends, making every moment more enjoyable and meaningful.

An - Profile Picture

Phan Nguyen Phuc An

Life Science, Faculty of Science



During my time at RVRC, my most cherished moments have revolved around the genuine connections fostered within my house, Orcaella. The warm chats we share over breakfast and the impromptu movie nights are just a few of my favourite moments in RVRC. Furthermore, I love the myriad activities that I have been given the chance to participate in, like working on college publicity projects, dance performances, and competing in the Inter-College Games for Table Tennis. In less than two years here, RVRC has etched itself as a fundamental cornerstone of my NUS experience, and I’m thankful for the core memories I’ve made here!

Kevin - Profile Picture

Kevin Lius Bong

Chemical Engineering, College of Design and Engineering



RVRC has shaped me to become what I am today. When I joined university as a Year One international student, I barely knew anything about life in NUS and in Singapore. But the people in RVRC helped me to settle down by always being willing to help me. Learning more about the sustainability concepts anchoring the courses offered to me at RVRC has helped me become more considerate about the environment and the importance of protecting it. I am really grateful to be a part of RVRC.

Xirui - Profile Picture

Bai Zirui

Data Science and Economics, Faculty of Science



RVRC and the people I have met here have made Singapore my second home in a very short time. I always feel encouraged and supported In this loving environment, to explore the world I do not know. RVRC’s immersive outdoor activities such as Kayak and Clean, Leopard Cat Quest, and nature walks, together with the RVRC academic curriculum, first kickstarted my love for nature and awareness of Singapore's conservation efforts. My involvement in the House Committee and as an RVRC Student Ambassador has not only cultivated my confidence to stand up and contribute to the college and community, but has also provided me with many opportunities to interact with peers and forge new friendships.

Jean Way

Loh Jean Way

Psychology and Life Science, Faculty of Science



During my time at RVRC, I had the privilege of pursuing many interests, with music being a significant one. As a member, and later the president of Jukebox, I honed skills in leadership, managing concert equipment, and even trying my hand at playing the drums. Organising the Concert by The Ridge 2022 was definitely a standout moment for me. Beyond the chance to perform at the concert, this experience led to meaningful friendships that I cherish to this day. I am grateful for my time at RVRC, which truly shaped my character development both personally and professionally, making it an indispensable part of my university life at NUS.


Lee JungWoo

Quantitative Finance and Statistics, Faculty of Science

Republic of Korea


My time at RVRC has been shaped by the close-knit relationships I've fostered within my orientation group. We attend classes together and support each other through our academic journeys. These shared experiences strengthened my sense of belonging to the RVRC community. Another highlight of my RVRC experience has been my involvement in tennis. As a vice-captain for the college team, I had the privilege to foster meaningful connections with residents coming from diverse cultural backgrounds while introducing newcomers to the sport. My time here has been truly enriching as I got to know people who shared the same passion.


Jia Xiran

Industrial and Systems Engineering, College of Design and Engineering



Being part of the RVRC community has been a highlight of my time at NUS. The Kayak and Clean activity at Pulau Ubin allowed me to connect with the beauty of Singapore's nature and taught me about the importance of environmental conservation. The Heritage Walk in Little India during Diwali was unforgettable; I got the opportunity to take a deeper look at Indian culture, explore their religious practices, celebrate with locals, and enjoy amazing food. These experiences have helped me see the world differently and brought me closer to my peers in the RVRC family. They've made my life in Singapore richer and my memories more precious.


Wei Lai

Double Major in Economics and Global Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Science



I am a “permanent resident” in RVRC; over the last three years, I've immersed myself fully in the student Interest Group DanceReVo, organizing several concerts and leading open classes as its vice-president. My time in RVRC has been the highlight of my university life, where I've grown as a leader, explored my passion in dance, and formed invaluable connections. The inclusive and vibrant environment in RVRC has enhanced my confidence and helped me become who I am today. I am excited to on the core team for RVRC's first original musical production in 2024, as part of the college's 10th anniversary celebrations, further showcasing RVRC's strength in the performing arts.

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