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Steven Chia

On Thursday 24 March 2022 at 7 pm, Ridge View Residential College was honoured to host a talk with Steven Chia, an award-winning journalist with Channel NewsAsia. Mr Chia was happy to meet our RVC1000 How in the world do we get along? students. In front of a full audience, Mr Chia engaged students with his view on culture, experienced through the eyes of a journalist. His most fundamental message for RVRC students was to be critical, sceptical, and to go beyond face value, especially when sensitive social undercurrents are in motion. This message was heard loud and clear, particularly through the questions that students directed at him. For instance, several students quizzed him about possible measures that one could take against biased information, such as one-sided media. Others were intrigued by how newsrooms and media organisations choose to portray news. It was heart-warming to see students approaching him after the talk with curiosity, interest, and to snap selfies. We certainly look forward to having him with our RVC students again!

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