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Project Shangri-La

                        (Photo courtesy of Koh Jin Qi)                     “My goodness, if you think of all the folks in the world who’d give all they’ve got to be out of the racket and in a place…

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Habitat Enhancement at Chestnut Nature Park

RVRC with Friends of Chestnut Nature Park planted 110 trees last Saturday. Non-native African Tulips (Spathodea campanulata) have been removed to make space for native tree saplings, that in time to come, would provide habitat and food for our native fauna. More than 60 members of the public joined us and many were new to…

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Dragon Boat Racing

Dragon Boat Racing On the beautiful Saturday afternoon of 28 Oct, two hundred and thirty RVRC Year One students accompanied by three academic staff participated in a dragon boating experience at the Kallang Water Sports Centre. This experiential learning activity was part of the WR1401 curriculum about team work and team cohesion. Students underwent a…

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RVRC Dialogues and Industry Visits – URA

RVRC Dialogues and Industry Visits – URA RVRC organized an industry visit to the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) on 27 October as part of its yearlong DIV series for Year One students. The visit began with a short corporate presentation showcasing the diverse work done by URA in Singapore, followed by an explanation of the…

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RVRC Dialogues and Industry Visits – Philip Yeo

RVRC Dialogues and Industry Visits – Philip Yeo RVRC hosted Mr. Philip Yeo, Chairman of SPRING, for a dialogue session on September 14. It was an illuminating and wide ranging talk that highlighted his personal journey in the public service, identified workplace ethics every student must possess and shared about some of the specific challenges he encountered…

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RVRC Comminions – NUS Day of Service

RVRC Comminions – NUS Day of Service RVRC Comminions, the college welfare and student-led CIP interest group of Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) participated in the NUS Day of Service organised by UCI. Our student volunteers joined UCI staff and families at Bukit Batok Community Centre in packing essential food/drink items into parcels and delivered these…

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RVRC Jukebox – NUS sustainAble Showcase

Jukebox, the music interest group of Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) performed a jazzy rendition of ‘Home’ and ‘Save My World’ for the opening of the sustainABLE NUS Showcase on 29 Aug 2017 at UTown Plaza.

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GEM1917 Symposium 2

  Residential LifeInterest GroupsCollege FacilitiesStudent Wellbeing & Student SupportRVRC Covid-19 Guidelines GEM1917 Symposium 2

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